
Asbestos Abatement / Removal

Removal of asbestos containing material (ACM) is a very specialized and regulated service.

When providing emergency response to a fire, water damage, storm related incident, or any property damage related loss, Full Circle technicians must first understand the environment they are working in. In many cases, this involves discrete sample collection for testing of materials in areas that might contain ACM.

Federal regulations (CFR-2011-Title 40-Volume 8-Section 61-145) require that, prior to any disturbance or demolition/removal of ACM suspect material consisting of greater than 160 square feet or 260 linear feet (on pipes), there be official notification to the US EPA along with a 10-day waiting period prior to abatement/removal. Certain state requirements may also apply.

For areas that have been previously tested and cleared (free of ACM) or where the scope is less than the 160 SF/260 LF limits, there is no notification requirement or waiting period.

If there is a question as to whether ACM exists or not, FCR errs on the side of conservatism and has samples tested. This is done for the safety of our customers/clients, their tenants, visitors, guests, our team, and our subcontractors.

For projects meeting the Limits/notification requirement, we validate via testing. Until confirmation is received, we continue performing work, within established protocols, yet we delay/avoid select demolition or abatement until receiving a clearance or validation as “Hot” (containing Asbestos) from a lab. The lab is an independent third-party. Throughout this process, in an effort to minimize interruptions and delays, our crews will work in areas that have been previously cleared, and if possible, work in the suspect area taking care to avoid disturbance of suspect material and once clearance is confirmed, Full Circle follows normal mitigation protocol.

In the event the lab confirms the presence of ACM, FCR’s Mitigation Team may work to coordinate and oversee the removal of the ACM. If elected, a post-abatement clearance letter may be provided by an independent Industrial Hygienist to document and provide assurance of a safe and healthy environment.